Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Prayer for who really??

So I get emails daily from Christian websites. I was reading one in particular today about praying for strangers. I thought to myself, "well, I do that. I pray if I drive by an accident. I pray if I see an ambulance or fire truck with its lights on..." I'm naming the few instances in my head, but then I read further into the email. By the end of the reading, I realized that what the author was really saying is a form of love that can be shown is through prayer and praying selflessly.
When I began to really think about the words in the email, I started  taking an honest look at myself. How selfish are my prayers really? I do prayer for others, but it's usually my family. By praying for my family, I'm still praying for people that I am invested in. The well-being of my family affects my happiness, so in a sense I'm still praying for someone that has everything to do with me. How often do I pray for others that have absolutely nothing to do with me?
I am quite sure that someone is praying for me at some point of the day, but am I praying for anyone else? I feel like I don't spend ENOUGH time praying. That needs to change. When I do pray, I'm praying for the same things.

I feel like a form of ministry is prayer. As saints we do have the responsibility for helping others realize the salvation they can have through Christ. Prayer is one of the steps, and I am realizing that I am truly not doing my part. I am around people everyday that I am sure do not know Christ, so there is plenty of praying that I can be doing.

My sole purpose in life isn't about just doing things that benefit me. There is plenty need in the world. I want to start getting busy and praying for others. I think it will be challenging to step outside myself, but I think it's worth the challenge.

Are you brave enough to try it as well?

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