Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Corny Confession

Since I felt like I left the fam prematurely this time, I think...I know I subconsciously bought some things that remind me of home. I'm OK with admitting it now. I've been wanting another Crockpot for a while, and I had been eyeing a few that my mother had. We had a conversation about the time it takes to cook after work in which she said "Girrrrl, you better start using that Crockpot." I complained that mine would possibly overcook the food if  I don't get home in time. She proceeded to tell me about how hers have the timers and blah, blah, my-Crockpot-is-better-than-yours. lol...When I got back, I saw the slow cooker in Wally World, and I had to have it. For some reason it was like having a piece of my mother in the house. When I look at it, I really do think of her. That makes me smile. lol...I know that's corny, but I can't wait to make a roast or something in it. I'll probably be neglecting my old Crockpot for a while.

You know those clear jars that hold like sugar, flour, rice, and beans...or whatever else? I had some, but I didn't have the kind my Mom had. This time when I was home, I asked her where she got hers. Wally World, of course. I don't know why I even asked. Well guess what I had to do? I had to replace mine. Now, trust and believe my old containers will find use in another way, but this was another part of home that for some reason I had to have. My husband made me laugh by saying "Why are those so much better than the ones we had?" I answered "Because they are....and they match the fridge." He wasn't buying it.

Lastly, over the years my Mom has acquired many sets of plates. For whatever reason I LOVED her clear little cereal bowls. I won't have you think there was anything special about them. I guess they were just my mom's, and I've just been missing her. So you know...I was in Walmart...lol...couldn't find clear bowls like hers, but I did find some clear little cups. They're definitely my little subtle reminder of home.

:-) I can't always be close to my family, but I can sure find ways to always have them in my thoughts.

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