Thursday, December 2, 2010

Deebo Punch = Respect

So I had a certain few situations that made me think back to conflict resolution as a kid. In elementary school, if you had a problem with someone that couldn't be settled with words, a quick fighting match usually solved the problem. Sounds harsh, but it's true. Fast forward to middle school....fighting wasn't really as funny anymore. In fact, 6th grade was the first time I knew of someone getting their face slashed by a razor. It was also the time where I really started seeing people get knocked SMOOTH out. Fighting just wasn't the same anymore. On to high school.....most people needed more of a reason to fight besides "yo mama this" or "yo mama that" but for the most part, fighting seemed kind of lame. Naw, I guess I really couldn't call it lame yet. It was still entertaining to watch. It's just no one really wanted to be involved IN the fight. You were going to end up getting your face banged up, and who wanted to walk around like that?  Then, you become grown and see chicken heads fighting, and you're like why?? What are you doing with your life? Who fights anymore?

Now that I've been in my adult life for a while, I do have times where I think fighting might be the number one answer in some situations. Crazy, right? I know. I found sometimes that with the people I work with, there is a certain amount a respect most people have for each other. But then you always have that one person that just doesn't really care. No amount of talking or paperwork will make this person talk to you better. It's that one person that you want to punch in the mouth....HARD. The thing is now that I'm grown, and I have responsibilites..REAL responsibilities, I don't have the time to deal with the consequences of a physical altercation. Now busting someone in the head will no doubt affect your finances and your career. The knuckleheads that talk to you stupid know all of these things, and it's my belief that it is the reason they do the things that they do. They say slick crap to you because they know there is only so far the situation can go. Most times , I think consequences are really the determining factor in situations. A lot of people get away with so much because of it.

I wonder what it really takes for poeple to respect each other. Is about the way you were raised? Is it the morals that you carry? What is it really? Although I can be a very confrontational person especially when I feel I am being disrespected, there have been plenty of situations where I feel helpless. There is only so much that can be settled by talking...or really not talking to people. I just really want to know what the determining factor is to being respectful person. What does it take for an overly disrespectful person to change? Because I'm starting to think a good Deebo punch works sometimes. "That's my bike, punk!" I'm just sayin'. Not going to do it. Just a thought.

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