Thursday, December 30, 2010


At the end of each year, I kind of like to go over in my mind all the things that I have to be thankful for over the past year. I usually do this while I'm cooking my New Years meal...but later for that. I'm playing in these Afghani rocks. Anyway, the list goes like this:

~God allowed us to purchase a house! That is probably one of the most exciting things that happened this year. To see the look on our parents faces was priceless. I remember the first time we walked in the house, we just knew that it was our house. I am sooo thankful to be a home owner at 27. God has truly blessed us.

~My degree...I can almost FINALLY take a breath. I am now in the home stretch of getting this paper that proves that I'm educated. lol

~My Daddy is a Deacon! My proudest moment in 2010 is when I was sitting at work here in Afghaniland wishing I was at my father's induction ceremony. It was bittersweet. I was extremely happy that day in September, but I was also very sad. I could not even think about the ceremony without crying because I felt like this is one moment that I should've been there for my Dad. Duty calls...what can you do? I did what I could and sent a letter that was read during his ceremony. In the military, sometimes we miss important moments that we can never get back. This is one...BUT the most important thing to me is seeing all that God has done in my father's life over the last ten years. I distinctly remember praying that my dad would just start coming to church on a regular basis when I was 18 years old. That was in 2001. All I wanted was him to sit under the Word. God exceeded my expectations. My dad has always given me wisdom, but now he gives me godly wisdom. He stands at the head of his household as the spiritual leader in his house. Thank you, Jesus! Prayer works. I wish I could really explain how much all of this means to me, but I can't. All I can say is I am so thankful, and I am the proudest girl in the world in who my Poppers is becoming. I can see God working in him, and it's a beautiful thing.

~My cousin is getting married! I am so happy that he found his "good thing." My little, big cousin is like a brother to me. I am probably one of his biggest fans. I am proud of him, and I am proud of the things that he's accomplished in his 26 years. Now it's a new step in his life. It's like he's not my little cousin anymore. He's a grown man! I couldn't be happier for him. Lord willing, I'm going to be sitting there watching him getting married with my millions of tissues that I WILL need. lol...I couldn't even tell him congratulations without crying, so I know I'll be a mess at the wedding.

~I am especially happy about the friends God has placed in my life. I feel like I have a few friendships that have grown so much this year that I really cherish. When I first got to North Carolina in '08, I prayed that God would send me a good friend(s) near me. All my good friends are far away. Well you know what God did? He didn't put my friends where I wanted them in location, he put my friends where I needed them....spiritually. I have realized it, and I'm am very ok with that. I have some GREAT friends, and they're only a phone call away. I had prayed to God for good Christian friends in my area. Well, He put a spotlight on some people that were already in my life. I just needed to build on the relationships. I didn't NEED anyone new. I had all that I needed around me even though they weren't right next door. I already had friends in my life who are equipped with the Word and that give godly counsel. I already had people who truly cared about me and what the Word says about our lives. Once I started making myself more available and opening up to people more, I realized I have the friends I'm supposed to have....and I LOVE  them! I thank God for the people who are in my life. I'm taking all of you that I love in 2011, too!

~I thank God for peace. I'm on my third deployment. We all talk about getting our tax free money, but everything ain't funny out here. There are sounds and situations that you never forget. I thank God that through it all, he ALWAYS gives me peace in the midst of the situations.

~One day something clicked in me, and I realized that I needed to know the Lord more. I am MOST thankful right now that God makes Himself available to me. I can't tell you how much I've learned and grown over the last few months. I've been convicted of things I never even thought of, and I feel a hunger for His Word more than before. This is the first deployment that I have had so many Christians in my work environment. I don't feel like that's a coincidence. I needed this. I am so thankful!

~I have a job in this economy!

~I am thankful for my husband~for so many reasons! I'd rather tell him personally.

~I have a great family who has encouraged me when I needed it most. I thank God for the family that He gave me.

~I could go on for days about the things that I'm thankful for over the past year, but I won't. These are just a few things. I can look back at this list and know that I have nothing to complain about. I have everything I need and more. I have so much to be thankful for! The material things are wonderful, but God has blessed me spiritually this year. I am a happy woman!

Monday, December 20, 2010


This Christian Louboutin Biana Tie-Die Platform Pump is in a league it's own. Made my sleepy eyes open wide and my mouth water as soon I set my eyes on them.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

This Bitter Earth

I finished This Bitter Earth by Bernice McFadden a few weeks back. It is the sequel to Sugar, and I must admit it was quite interesting. Bernice McFadden tells Sugar's story 10 years later after the ending of the book Sugar. I was happy to see that Sugar had matured, and her life was starting to go in a positive direction. The sequel actually provided a lot of background to some of the characters in the first book. I won't say that this is one of the better books I have read, but I do think a person who has read Sugar should definitely go ahead and pick up this sequel. I found it to be a lot more interesting than it's prequel. I guess that's all I really have to say about it. 

Currently, I am reading The Bait of Satan by John Bevere. This book is incredible so  far. I love it. I feel like there are so many things is this book that applies to me, and I really need to get better. I am not even finished with it, but I definitely recommend The Bait of Satan to any believer of Christ who interested in strengthening their spiritual walk.  

If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again.

 ~I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.~ Romans 7:15 NLV

Actually Romans 7:14-25 is what I'm really thinking of. I feel like it applies.

So my previous blog...I was already put to the test of that blog a few hours ago. I came home feeling good because I felt like I had one of those moments where the Word kind of just lifts off the page. You know one of those moments, where a certain passage is illuminated? It was one of those times where I definitely felt like God was saying "Child, get this. Get what I'm saying to you." You know what I did? I got it. I told myself I would apply it, and then 3 hours later I showed my fleshy behind. Epic fail.

So now I'm up. Should be sleeping, but I feel like I'm supposed to be up thinking about it.....not to be confused with worrying about.

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." (Philippians 4:6 NLV)

With that being said, I really feel like I am supposed to be sacrificing sleep to pray (which I have already done and will do some more in a few) and reflecting on this. I have got to do better, but I guess I really need to start leaning on God and listening to Him in my moments of weakness. I was definitely listening to myself today.

I do thank God, however, for a Christian brother who chose to speak up and hold me accountable. I can not deny God's presence in my life. Even when I mess up, he surrounds me with people who are upfront with me and encourage me all in the same breath. I am glad he has given me the maturity to recognize this.

All in all, I am very disappointed in myself, but I refuse to NOT learn from the situation. I am brushing myself off and hoping that I'll pass this test with an A the next time. Now I'm off to go spend more time in meditation. Have to die to myself daily....

~What's in your heart~

~For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of~

Do those words stop you in your tracks like they do for me? I mean really read that and meditate on those words. Then, think about all the words that fall out....or even get PUSHED out of your mouth everyday? What does you heart look like now?

Well, when I take a self-examination (because today this is about me), the words out of my mouth definitely depend on my temperament. My father has told me that I am a very temperamental person...and I can agree with that. Thinking on my words, I am feeling like I might need to work on my moods. lol

Sometimes I have nothing but good things to say, and sometimes I have a lot to say that is just plain ugly. At these times, my heart is not filled with anything but my flesh. All I can hear in my head right now is "what IS your heart filled with? WHO should your heart be filled with?" When I feel myself getting upset sometimes, I reflect (after the fact) on scriptures that say that we as Christians should be slow to anger.

"Remember this, my dear friends! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry. Human anger does not achieve God's righteous purpose." (James 1:19-20)

"People with understanding control their anger, a hot temper shows great foolishness." (Proverbs 14:29 NLV)

When I really think about it, I say the worst things when I allow my temper and emotions to completely rule me. So if I am supposed to be controlling my anger, but I choose to loose control...then I say things that shouldn't be said....I guess I need to examine my heart. Who am I allowing to lead me? Me? Because if that's true, that's the wrong answer. My heart should be filled with Jesus. That's the only person I want my heart to be filled with. When I speak, it should be guided by the Holy Spirit. That shouldn't change according to my temperament. In this life, we have to die to ourselves (flesh) daily. That means we have to examine who is really Lord over our life EVERY day. If God is truly Lord over my life, my heart should be filled with Him....and out of my mouth, I should speak life. My heart should be full of His light. My confrontations should still be in love whether I'm upset or not.

Now this is not to say that I'm going to stop speaking my mind. I'm going to continue to keep it real, but there is definitely a difference between real and "the ugly." I'm guilty of both. Today, I'm not perfect, but today I stand convicted. The Father disciplines those who He loves, and I'm thankful for it. :-)

"For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights." (Proverbs 3:12 NLV)

"A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart." (Luke 6:45 NLV)

"....For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of" (Luke 6:45 GNT)

Food for thought!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christian Athiest

So I finished Christian Atheist. It was the first time I read an inspirational book (I prefer fiction), and it was a good read. I can't say the whole book was for me, but I do think there were some chapters that will really help me especially in the "deebo punch" area of my life.

Craig Goeschel really hits on the fact that is not enough to just believe in Jesus. We really need to live this life. Everyday we need to strive to live right and do what Christ would have us to do. I feel like some of the chapters in the Christian Atheist challenged me to look at who I am, and why I do the things I do. I know there are areas that I can definitely do better, and I really think that was Craig Groeschel's intention.

I recommend it!

Deebo Punch = Respect

So I had a certain few situations that made me think back to conflict resolution as a kid. In elementary school, if you had a problem with someone that couldn't be settled with words, a quick fighting match usually solved the problem. Sounds harsh, but it's true. Fast forward to middle school....fighting wasn't really as funny anymore. In fact, 6th grade was the first time I knew of someone getting their face slashed by a razor. It was also the time where I really started seeing people get knocked SMOOTH out. Fighting just wasn't the same anymore. On to high school.....most people needed more of a reason to fight besides "yo mama this" or "yo mama that" but for the most part, fighting seemed kind of lame. Naw, I guess I really couldn't call it lame yet. It was still entertaining to watch. It's just no one really wanted to be involved IN the fight. You were going to end up getting your face banged up, and who wanted to walk around like that?  Then, you become grown and see chicken heads fighting, and you're like why?? What are you doing with your life? Who fights anymore?

Now that I've been in my adult life for a while, I do have times where I think fighting might be the number one answer in some situations. Crazy, right? I know. I found sometimes that with the people I work with, there is a certain amount a respect most people have for each other. But then you always have that one person that just doesn't really care. No amount of talking or paperwork will make this person talk to you better. It's that one person that you want to punch in the mouth....HARD. The thing is now that I'm grown, and I have responsibilites..REAL responsibilities, I don't have the time to deal with the consequences of a physical altercation. Now busting someone in the head will no doubt affect your finances and your career. The knuckleheads that talk to you stupid know all of these things, and it's my belief that it is the reason they do the things that they do. They say slick crap to you because they know there is only so far the situation can go. Most times , I think consequences are really the determining factor in situations. A lot of people get away with so much because of it.

I wonder what it really takes for poeple to respect each other. Is about the way you were raised? Is it the morals that you carry? What is it really? Although I can be a very confrontational person especially when I feel I am being disrespected, there have been plenty of situations where I feel helpless. There is only so much that can be settled by talking...or really not talking to people. I just really want to know what the determining factor is to being respectful person. What does it take for an overly disrespectful person to change? Because I'm starting to think a good Deebo punch works sometimes. "That's my bike, punk!" I'm just sayin'. Not going to do it. Just a thought.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Winter Beauties

 I promise you there is more to me than just shoes. I just kind of feel disconnected from the world being out here in the desert. The only thing I could really talk about is the stupid stuff people do out here, and I'm not about to do that.....or I could talk about how many funny moments that I have (and there are a LOT), but you would have to be there to appreciate it. So I guess shoes is my thing for now. My topics will get more broad when I'm back at home. I'll make sure of it. All I have for now is shoes and books....and these right here are quite lovely.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


....isn't so sweet, but it was a pretty good book. I really don't have much to say about the book. It is not a book I loved, but it definitely held my interest. There were some twist and turns that made Sugar worth reading. I think the closer the book got to ending, the more interesting Sugar's story started getting. Of course the author did this on purpose. I fell into her trap and bought the sequel. This Bitter Earth by Bernice McFadden is supposed to go into deeper details about Sugar's life. I guess I am reading it because there are some unanswered questions that I want answered.

Sugar was a prostitute with a hard life who didn't know what love even felt like until she befriended her neighbor, Pearl. Just when she started to see light in her life, she realizes she can not escape her past....and on to the sequel I guess.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

These boots are SICK!

 *In my Cat Williams voice* These boots right here....  ;-) I gotta fan my face just to look at 'em.
And how cute are these? Too cute for the room.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chasing Destiny....still a good one....

So I just finished reading one of my favorite books again. I needed to take a break from new books that might be good. I just wanted to read something I knew would be a great book. What can I say about it? Chasing Destiny is a good read to still holds my attention as if I never read it before. I think this makes it my fourth time reading the novel, and I'll probably bring it with me on another deployment. It's just that good. :-)

The next book I've decided to read is Sugar by Bernice McFadden. I've read a book by her before, so I'm confident that this book will at least hold my interest. It starts in the 1940's, and it begins by describing a brutal murder that the people of the town remain quiet about. Hopefully, this will be a page turner.

I'm also reading The Christian Athiest by Craig Groeschel. This book was recommended to me by a co-worker. I'm looking forward to learning something new and growing spiritually.

My Addiction

I tried to go without posting shoes up for a while in an effort to show that I have more to talk about than shoes. *shrugging*...the desert is causing me to have less to talk about. Everyday is the same around here, so I shoe browse to I drop. Anyhoo...these are the shoes that have caught my eye in the last few days...
My favorite are the shoes to the left with the pretty detail on the base. I heart every color and pattern they offer.
These pink shoes are just fun! A white t-shirt and some jeans would be all I need with these.
Seems like I can't avoid a nice, short boot. Even when I try to avoid looking at them, booties always find a way to catch my attention. I can see so many options with this plain, classy boot.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I feel like a woman should be confident enough to walk out of the house without makeup. I feel like true confidence comes from being able to look someone in the eye and say "this is me." I am not against makeup. In fact,  I'll wear it from time to time. I think I just get more bothered by women who act like they can not go anywhere without putting some makeup on. Yes, you should always look your best when you go out of the house. By no means, do I think it's a green to go outside looking like you just rolled out of bed. I do, however, think that if you need to run by the grocery store really quick, there shouldn't be a need to spend a ridiculous amount of time standing in the mirror. There should be a certain amount of comfort in who you are without any add-ons. That is all.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What a bore!'s not too often that I have to pull the "Abort this mission" with books, but I have to with this one. I'm like halfway through the book, and I still haven't found interest in it. It's been at least a week and a half since I started I must be on to new things. I just do not feel the need to waste my time with this one.

This book seems to be about some broke chick who ends up needing money so bad that she becomes a bounty hunter. AND...that's it for this one. No need to type anything else.

So next, I plan to read Chasing Destiny by Eric Jerome Dickey and/or Best Friends by Martha Moody. Chasing Destiny is one of my favorite books. I've read it plenty of times, and I just feel like reading something I know without a doubt will be good. I acquired Best Friends one day on one of those "free books" book shelves that are everywhere around here. Looks interesting enough...but I can't promise I'll read the whole thing. I'm through with reading boring books. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Watch Your Mouth!

So I'm opening up, and I see something like "Lebron James didn't get too much help from his sidekicks..." When you open the article, those words aren't there....but that's whatever literally caught my eye and made my face frown up. When has Dwayne Wade ever been a sidekick? And seriously...who expects super great things this early from The Heat. But you know I'm sooooo happy my Celtics won! I knew they would. ;-) Why is Shaq there, though??

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I likes that!

These shoes right here! These are the type of shoes to make me pause. Heart them! I said yummy. :-)

And when I saw these pretty booties right here....I decided my browsing was done for the day. Close the got other things to do.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Moth to a Flame

Ok, from the start of the book I felt like this was a knockoff Coldest Winter Ever. Ugh....people are going to get enough of re-inventing the same story. Coldest Winter Ever was classic....and Sistah's Souljah's writing abilities are not matched by many in this particular genre.

During the first maybe three chapters, I just didn't know if I wanted to finish the book. The only thing that kept me reading it was the fact that I wasn't about to waste my little $10 I paid for this book. lol....a shame!

When I say that I scrunched my face up through half of the book, I mean that I LITERALLY rolled my eyes and made irritated faces through about 70 percent of the book. Raven (the main character) had to be one of the dumbest, drug pin kids I have ever read about. I kept  thinking "why is she THIS stupid?" I don't even think it was realistically possible. She had absolutely no discernment, and I just refuse to believe her father sheltered her so much that she knew NOTHING about snakes in the "game."

Moth to a Flame was basically about how some dumb chick betrays her family by messing with the enemy. Then, she allows him to ruin her life. *eyes rolling*....what a GREAT story. <---dripping with sarcasm. This book was garbage, SON! lol

You know something that annoyed me about this book? Raven's whole life was centered around a dag on man. When she was at her worse, it was because of a man. When she was at her best, it was because of a man. When she was protected, it was because of man. Happy? Because of a man. Hurt? Because of a man. Had money....because of a man. Everything was because of a man.

And here are the similarities that I noticed that made me think of Coldest Winter Ever:

Raven's Dad was Santiaga.....a man that was admired by his daughter, and thought to be perfect. He was the top man in the streets.

Raven's Mother was just like Winter's mother--married super young. Her husband pretty much saved her from her past. Her daughter thought her mother could be matched by no one.

Ethic was Midnight. *Sigh*....dark-skinned and beautiful...and just as Midnight thought Winter was a dumb and shallow....Ethic also thought Raven was dumb and shallow (she was *shrugging*). Oh yeah, Ethic had a string of funeral homes...something like Avon did in The Wire. So original. *rolling eyes*

Then, we have the enemy. Mizan = Bullet. A devil in a Sunday hat...but his hat really wasn't that big. He was so obvious, and Raven was just so dumb.

There were entirely too many similarities between The Coldest Winter Ever and Moth to a Flame. The only difference is that they developed the relationship between Ethic (Midnight) and Raven (Winter).

I just can't help but think that the blueprint to Moth to a Flame was definitely The Coldest Winter Ever. No one can tell me anything differently. This story was ridiculously similar. I just think the author chose to put a twist on different scenarios. I'm thinking she probably used to cheat off people's papers in high school. lol!!! You would probably have to always have your arm up to cover your paper if she was next to you. smh...that's so bad to say.

While I was reading the book, I kept thinking about all the great reviews about this book that I read on Amazon and Shelfari. I kept wondering if I was the only who noticed all the ties between other books in this genre. I KNOW I can't be the only one. I am so disgusted. lol 

But I can't even front, I wasn't able to put it down.....I read it super quick. I just had to know what was going to happen next. I needed to know WHEN Raven was going to get smart.

....and by the end of this book, I still felt like it was a knockoff Coldest Winter Ever.

...and if you think this review had no organization and jumped from point to did the book. So why should I organize my review of it?

It's not even worth answering if I would recommend it. Yes. If you have absolutely nothing else to this book and tell me it's nothing like The Coldest Winter Ever. I dare you.

So anyway, on to better things...

I'm now reading One for the Money by Janet Evanovich. It better be good, too. lol. I was inspired to read this book when Sherri from The View recommended the author. Apparently, this book is going to be turned into a movie in the near future. Sherri is going to playing one of the characters in the movie. The motion picture is set to be in theaters in the summer of 2011. I'm always interested in books that are going to the big screen, so hopefully I won't be disappointed. We shall see.

Monday, October 11, 2010


As stunning as Kim Kardashian looks, do we really....REALLY have to bowl in heels???? Yes, she looks cute (and she knows it), but I am too through right now. smh

Friday, October 8, 2010

I can dig it...

So last night, I finally...FINALLY finished Getting to Happy by Terry McMillian. School work has been slowing down my desert reading. lol...but anyway, I really liked the book. I don't think a sequel to Waiting to Exhale was necessary, but I ain't mad at her. Getting to Happy caught us up on the lives of the four woman Savannah, Gloria, Robin, and Bernadette.....15 years after Waiting to Exhale. I found myself actually giggling out loud during a lot of the book because the conversations were so real. I love how Terry McMillian wrote about how close friends really talk to each other.....the brutal honesty...the jokes that are only funny to friends who really know each other. It was great. While I was reading, the characters actually made me long for a friendship circle like them. I have great friends, but we're spread apart. We don't get to come together and catch up to talk about everything and nothing face to face. It made me think of the girls on Sex & The City. It's just good to have a clique of GOOD friends to hang with sometimes.

Anyhoo...what I really loved about the book is that these women stuck by each other no matter what. No they didn't tell each what they wanted to hear all the time, but they had each other's back....ALWAYS. Their friendship was solid. I liked how they knew each other's problems and pushed each other to be better. I guess the friendship aspect of the book was what I really enjoyed. I feel like it was an easy and quick read...if you have time to sit and read. On a scale of 1-10, I give Getting to Happy an 8. Definite recommendation. :-)

On to the next one...

Moth to a Flame....looks to be the typical "good girl gone bad" and drugs and money type story that my girl Kesha will clown me for reading. :-) Hopefully it will be entertaining.

Monday, October 4, 2010

FB question

Random Thought: I am a big DeSean Jackson fan. It seems to grow with each season.

Anyway.....I'm watching The View, and they are talking about Facebook. I do feel like Facebook can be a distraction, but I actually enjoy it. It's more about disciplining yourself. If you have things that need to get done, and you ALLOW fb to get in the way, that's when it becomes a problem. Now with that being said, the ladies of The View just quoted a statistic that says 22%  of high school students who check Facebook while doing homework score lower on their test. Ummmm...duh. lol. It's a distraction if you let it be. I do, however, have a re-occuring question.....should kids be allowed to have a Facebook account? I have a hard time making a decision because I don't have kids. I just kind of feel like young kids shouldn't really be as accessible as Facebook allows you to be. BUT...Facebook is really no different than emailing really. I just really don't know.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Do I ever get tired of black shoes???

Nope! Why would I ever? Black is beautiful! Like my mother says..."You can never have too many black shoes" I'm sure you can.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Catch me in my Vick jersey...don't trip!

Alright, so in our home you will be Eagles fan. There's no questions about it. It's a done deal. lol. Last year when the Eagles picked up Vick, I was too excited. I felt like the man deserved another chance to make it happen. Although he really didn't have a big chance to shine last year, it was still good to see him on the field. Now that McNabb has joined the dark side, it's time for Vick to do his thing! I'm so ready. I personally think they should've started him from the get go this season. I know the Eagles had to be trying to save face by letting ol' boy start until he got hurt. Vick is now right where he belongs. I know a lot of people don't want to let the man forget the past. I'm so sick of hearing about Michael Vick and dogs. Truthfully, I was always sick of hearing about it when it all went down YEARS ago. Folks acted like Vick ran in their yard, took THEIR dog and killed it.....and dog fighting has nothing to do with football anyway. So back to the Eagles...I hope Michael V takes the Eagles to another level this year. All I want to hear about Michael Vick is how many touchdowns passes he threw or how many times he ran all over these gumps!

...Booties get me every time..."I found you, Ms. New Bootie"

I don't know what it is about a short boot that I love, but they seem to catch my eye...and my pocket every time. I heart booties. Getting ready to go back on shoe restriction for a while.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I love The View!

The Co-Hosts Celebrate 3,000 Episodes in Style

So I'm sitting here watching The View....and they are airing the 3000th episode! I know that The View isn't a new show, but I hadn't realized there's been 13 season. I love The View. It keeps me up on my current events, and I almost always feel like I'm right there with them. I would have to say my favorite host it Joy because I love her honesty. I respect Barbara Walters for always holding herself together during all the controversal topics. Barbara has been around it seems like....forever. I grew up watching 20/20, so it's like anything that has her name attached to it...I'll watch. Hot Topics is my favorite part of the show. If I could be a guest co-host on The View, I would gladly go. lol...and I would sit next to Elizabeth and disagree with everything she says just cause. lol.

Dag, I wish I was in the audience to recieve these 3D TV's they just gave out to celebrate this episode. smh

Thursday, September 23, 2010

*side eye*

Does anyone care that all the NBA teams will be wearing new uniforms? I certainly don't. I just want to know who is winning. Silly rabbits.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Pact

Ok, so I just finished The Pact. Jodi Picoult did not disappoint with this one. She did me proud especially since the past few books I've read have been duds.

The Pact by Jodi Picoult tells a story of two families whose lives are drastically changed after their children decide to take a suicide pact. Jodi is awesome with her ability to show how tragedies can make or break families. I found myself getting frustrated because I just wanted to skip to the end and find out what the real truth was from the night that changed everything.

This book brought soooo many questions into my head. The first thing I thought was exactly do you decide on a suicide pact? I just don't see how you can be like "hey, I want to end it all" and then the other person says "Ok...I'll go with you."

Then, as I read deeper into the book, I was totally tripped out when the relationship between the two teenagers was explained. They were high school students, but they really lead an adult relationship. They spent like every waking moment together. I really don't know how to explain it, but as I read I just felt like their relationship was entirely too serious. I felt like the parents were ok with too much stuff. It was almost as if the teenagers had no boundaries to their relationship....which caused me to have more and more questions.

I can't begin to type all the questions I had because it would give away the book. There were three questions that I had throughout the entire book that still stuck in my mind after I finished the last page.
I wondered how do you go through such a big crisis? The very thing that makes a family whole is taken do your survive? How does the FAMILY survive? Those questions still remains unanswered.

Would I recommend this book. Certainly. Without a doubt.

The next book on my list is Getting to Happy by Terry McMillan. I am actually surprised after all these years that Terry McMillan would decide to make a sequel to Waiting to Exhale. I expect good things. I loved the characters from Waiting to Exhale, and I am hoping that this will be a good read. I'll be writing about it soon. :-)

...I want 'cha...

...On a cold day...cute coat...dark skinny jeans....cozy, little heels. I like!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

eeeeeeeyuuuuck! are these bed bugs traveling....everywhere?? A few days ago I was watching some show.....can't remember the title, but the host was talking about the bed bugs infestation we have going on in America. I'm just trying to figure out how they're getting to a shoe store? Makes me not want to go anywhere...

Shaq being a Celtic....No Bueno!

So I just read this article about suspected reasons Shaq signed with the Celtics. How annoyed am I that Shaq is on the Celtics team??? Very. I'm trying to figure out he going to fit in? No, I am not surprised by Kobe saying what he said. Who ever believed Shaq and Kobe were back to being cool anyway? Certainly not I. Kobe's skills are undeniable. I am not a Kobe fan, but I have already considered him better than Shaq....if you can even do that since they don't play the same position. All I am saying is what are they doing with my team???? I could care less about Kobe and Shaq's love/hate fest. I just do not want my KG, Rondo, Allen....and Piece chemistry messed up. Where is Shaq going to go? Is he going to push Big Baby's slobbering behind back on the bench??? I hope not. What about the Jeezy look-a-like (Perkins)??? I don't really want to see him on the bench like that either. I am just not happy with this move.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ebony Fashion Fair come back to me!

I love my mother for the things she exposed to me to when I was younger...especially when it came to our culture. She took me to see so many plays, the Alvin Ailey dancers, and so much more. I loved every minute of it, and I especially enjoyed spending that "girl time" with my mom.

My mother took me to my first Ebony Fashion Show (show is what we called it) when I was about 11 or 12. We had great seats, and from the start of the show I was hooked. I loved, loved seeing everyone. Every year, she had tickets. We always made sure we had good seats, and as I got older I would sometimes take a friend. I last attended the Ebony Fashion Fair in 2003.

Being stationed overseas for a few years, I missed out on the good shows like The Color Purple and The Ebony Fashion Fair. Now that I'm back, I am trying to jump right into the swing of going to see great shows. Gives me the opportunity to get fly, spend quality time, and be entertained. Last year, I decided that I was going to make time to hit up some of the shows that I love so much. I searched and searched for the schedule of when the Fashion Show was going to hit a city close to me. Come to find out, the Ebony Fashion Fair is not touring right now. Following the death of the Fair's producer and director, Mrs. Eunice W. Johnson, the show was canceled. I read on another blog that the economy has affected the show's sponsors. *sigh*....disappointment.

I am hoping that the Ebony Fashion Fair will be able to begin traveling again for the 2011 season. If so, I'll be on the third row, with my eyes wide open, and with a homegirl that loves fashion . lol.....if not, I need to find some kind of fashion show to go to. I like the scene.


So in my usual shoe browsing, I came across these little pumps. I can't seem to stop looking at them for whatever reason. I find them to be...interesting. Something like a stand alone shoe. I can't figure out if I think they're cute--but they're so unique that I know rockin' them would be a pleasure.

"I like ya...and I want ya." <--that's for my Boondocks fans. That's what I think every time I see these boots. I happen to love them. I've been eyeing them for a year, and never got around to getting them. Every time I look at them I see the a different outfit. Nice and simple to show off the boot. I'm not letting these go this year. These boots were made for

Every now and then, it's like I have a pretty shoe whisper to me. These black boots do just that. ;-)  Black is my power color...and like my mother says "You can never have too many black shoes." lol.
This purse is also screaming for me to put all my little necessities in it like bottled water, kindle/book...and whatever else I can get in that bag. I love huge purses. I think this particular bag is so me.

Monday, September 13, 2010


A good book is hard to find these days, I guess. I read all the reviews on Wench, and of course I got excited. Well, I didn't like it. The main character made me mad throughout the whole book. Her loyalty to her master was something I just couldn't fathom. In fact, her love/loyalty to her master caused pain for the other slaves she was close to. I feel like that might be what turned me off from the novel all together.

The Wench was a story about women who were slaves/mistresses for their masters. This novel will tug at probably ever emotion imaginable. When I read books like this, I am always happy I wasn't born in those times. I just do not think I would be able to survive. These woman had no other choice but to be strong and do what they had to do survive. I just can't imagine having absolutely no freedom.

I respected the author for writing a book about this part of history, but I still wouldn't recommend this book.

Resuming back to my original list, I'm now reading The Pact by Jodi Picoult. I expect it to be good, so hopefully I will be able to recommend this one. :-) I'll let you know in a few days.