Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Funny Thing About a Lost iPod...

is you lose all your music. Of course it's still on itunes, but you still have to essentially spend time to start all over again. About a month back, I lost my iPod. I don't know how I did it because like my phone, my iPod usually never gets left behind. In fact, during the week days, my iPod is carried in the same pocket as my phone. It's used just about every day. I was soooooo confused when I came home after a run one Saturday and realized I had no idea where my iPod went. I had my armband and my iPod, though. I was frustrated, and so was my husband. lol...he had already bought two for me. I guess I would buy this next one myself.

...a little under $300 later, I realized that losing my iPod might not have been a bad thing. I have been half trying to get rid of some of the music that my ears really don't need from my little music machine, but I've been doing more hanging on than letting go. I just realized that this is probably the only way that I would really consciously think about what is being put on my iPod. As I have been putting songs onto my newest iPod, I have been telling myself that if it's on random mode I want more inspirational music than "I said look ma, no hands" music. I won't sit here and claim that I have given up secular music altogether. I am more conscious of the music that I'm listening to. I do have control over my own iPod, and I'm taking ownership. I love to listen to T.I., Wayne, Ricky Ross, etc...but I'm starting to find that I'm cringing more and more here lately when some things are said. I'm also guilty of a sinister chuckle when I hear lyrics like "Can I hit it in the mornin'....," so I figure if I feel guilty and naughty all at the same time....I'm not going to be able to put it on my iPod. When I wake up in the morning singing "You think you're using this game's new to me...but you ain't confusing just want jewelery, another --- shopping spree"....*side eye at myself* First thing in the morning, my mind is NOT supposed to be on worldly mess. It's all about listening to that voice and no longer ignoring it. Guess I'll leave some of that music right on XM.

Not a perfect iPod, but I'm striving to make it better. I'm trying to take my time as I'm putting music on it. We  have sooooo much Christian Hip Hop (thank God for it) in our itunes. I figure I need to condition my ears to crave more of message-based music. There are some artist that are really worth listening to. Keep praying for me. I'm trying to do better.


  1. Way to go chica..I cleared mine of all unedifying music a while back..i just wiped everything off and then only added back the good stuff....i even got rid of usher and drake.....thats sayin
    my fav album to run to is captured and overdose..
    my fav last push song is Chase That on overdose..
    Way to reclaim territory for the kingdom, lord knows some of the hardest battles to fight are the ones against flesh..

  2. Thanks, Kesha!

    I'm trying...but still there. Last Train of Paris track. Diddy didn't go bye bye yet.
