Sunday, January 30, 2011

I can show you better than I can tell you ;-)

It seems like the thing to do these days....telling people who you are. I'm not really a fan of it. I'm not knocking anybody who does...or maybe I am. I just feel like as women, we shouldn't have to tell anybody everything about ourselves. People should see and know it. For instance, Phylicia Rashad and Michelle Obama strike me as two women that do not have to tell you anything about themselves. They already know who they are, and they don't need any one's confirmation or approval. They are confident, beautiful (try to say differently), classy, many things, and you can SEE it. They don't have to tell you. When did we lose that as women? When did we start going around telling people everything we want them to believe? I think everybody pats themselves on the back every now and then. There's nothing wrong with a little "I'm fly" once in a while, but it seems like that has become the popular thing to just announce to the world all of your qualities. Most of the time I wonder if people are convincing themselves of these things when I see it repeatedly.

 You're confident...what are you telling me for? I should be able to already see it. You're gorgeous and can't nobody tell you nothing? *clapping hands* Wonderful. Why are you telling me constantly? And really...does beauty define you? You got major swagger? Yea, me too. People are not paying attention to what you tell them, though. They're more interested in what you show them. In my opinion, my mother is beautiful. I never heard her talk about it either. My best friend is gorgeous, and I never hear her go on and on about herself. 

If we must profess all these things for men to see, I feel like we're missing the mark in some kind of way. A man with enough sense is aware of a woman with good character and great qualities, and he won't let that pass. Or maybe these qualities that some of us feel the need to tell everyone about need work....I'm just sayin'.

All I'm saying is I am tired of hearing women brag on themselves about things that you shouldn't have to brag about. You should be confident in yourself. You should be proud of who are. You should have some standards about yourself aka class. You should make yourself attractive. BUT you shouldn't have to tell anybody anything. They should already know.

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